Sun, Sand, Wind

Day two after finishing our Windsurf Camp at Fuerteventura and two more days at the sunny, sandy and windy Canary Island. As always I have been pretty happy and stoked once I arrived at the Canary Islands quite a while ago, but I am also kind of happy when I leave, knowing that I will be back again. Maybe it is that I know the villages and Islands already too well and would like see something new and different, or is it the steady winds, hitting my tired body or the fact that you got sand everywhere all the time and there is no chance to avoid it ?  Can´t tell, but on one side I am a little sad I´m leaving very soon but on the other hand i am really looking forward to all coming in the next months.... Holland, Greece, Morocco, Spain, Germany, possibly Denmark and Brasil, before it will be about time to saddle down for a few months and relax a bit more, without hours, days at airports and in planes.....

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 2
  • #1

    Zdenal (Dienstag, 17 Juli 2012 10:32)

    Thank you for information

  • #2

    Best Juicer (Sonntag, 14 April 2013 16:47)

    This is a great post! Thanks for sharing with us!

Last Update :

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